Latest News

Celebrating a ‘Good’ Ofsted rating in recent inspection

  Darren Gelder, Principal of Grace Academy, is celebrating the Academy’s recent ‘Good’ Ofsted rating with staff, parents, and students, after an inspection in March. Darren has already overseen a dramatic turnaround in the fortunes of the Academy since he joined as the new Principal in 2014, after putting tough action plans in place to…
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Changing Minds Song Project

On Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 May 30 students from Grace Academy Solihull, Coventry and Darlaston will be coming together to write, record and produce a song to raise funds for the mental health charity MIND. The students will be working with  Mark Vallance, a songwriter from award-winning music publisher Phrased Differently. Once the song…
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Parental Workshop

All Post 16 parents were invited into the academy for a workshop the night before our careers fair, the main reason was to make parents more aware about university and apprenticeship options available. During the evening parents and students were given detailed information about the costs involved, and shown that these should not be a…
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Grace Academy Christmas Fayre

Grace Academy Christmas Fayre Friday 8th December 6:00pm – 8:30pm Traditional Carol Service 6:30pm & 7:30pm Market Stalls, Santa’s Gifts, Festive food and Mulled Wine For more information please see link Below Christmas Fayre Information  

Engineering students set the gold standard in terms of performance

Engineering students are setting the gold standard in terms of performance, as 100% of Year 13s passed their A Level Engineering at pass to distinction grades in 2015/16.  One of the Year 13s has gone on to study engineering at university and three are doing engineering apprenticeships. In Product Design, 72.2% of students achieved A*…
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Imaginative lessons and inspiring learning environment in PE

  More imaginative lessons and an inspiring learning environment have motivated students to take a whole new view of PE, encouraging them to take on leadership responsibilities outside the Academy, and improving their performance in external competitions. Among the new, non-traditional sports on offer are volleyball, dodge ball and general fitness, and a host of…
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Helping The Homeless With Grace

Kind-hearted staff from Grace Academy have joined other volunteers to help the homeless in Birmingham. The charitable Grace Academy team joined other volunteers from ‘Let’s Feed Brum’, a charity which aims to help tackle homelessness in Birmingham, by giving out food, drink, clothing and other essentials to those in need. Birmingham’s homeless community is the…
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Cultural Visit To Rome Educates Students

Eighteen students from Years 12 and 13 got the chance to be immersed in the history and culture of this historic city, visiting Roman temples and learning more about Rome’s history as the centre of religion for thousands of years.  Teacher Kirsty Barlow said, “The trip gave our students a taste of being in a…
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Raising Reading Levels

Grace Academy has introduced an on-line reading system called Accelerated Reader to help monitor and raise the reading levels of students. Once a term students take a test on the computer to assess their reading level, so that they can select and read books appropriate to their current ability.  Librarian Ashley Connolly said, “Our students…
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Gallant Year 10 Boys Praised

Ten of our Year 10 boys have been presented with a gift and card by ASDA representative, Mrs Danks, as recognition of their outstanding demonstration of good citizenship. A member of the public contacted us to say they had witnessed a group of our students helping an elderly gentleman after he fell on the crossing…
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