Grace Academy Student on BBC’s Radio 4

Grace Academy Student on BBC’s Radio 4

Twelve year old Bradley got in touch with the BBC Radio 4 show Sliced Bread after trying out his mum Jennifer’s acupressure mat. Jennifer says she swears by it – she says it relaxes her, and she even falls asleep on it! However, after testing it out himself, he was less than convinced. He asked Sliced Bread to find out what these mats are meant to do, whether they work or if they have more of a placebo effect, and whether paying more for one could mean better results?

Bradley and his mum, were also joined by Clinical Acupuncturist Phil Trubshaw from the Manchester Movement Unit based at Manchester Metropolitan University, as well as the Director of Research at the Northern College of Acupuncture, Dr. Karen Charlesworth. Well done Bradley, you were eloquent and conducted yourself brilliantly in what could have been a very nerve racking experience. Keep being inquisitive and well done for exemplifying two of our values – potential and excellence!