Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium


What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium (PP) was introduced in April 2011 and is paid by means of a specific grant for any students who have been registered as eligible for Free School Meals within the last six years or those who are looked after (LAC) or previously looked after (PLAC) by the Local Authority. A premium has also been introduced for children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces. This group of students is currently referred to as disadvantaged (DA) students. The grant is not ring-fenced. The grant is able to be spent at the school’s discretion with the aim being to improve the outcomes for DA students. To narrow the gap between student’s subject to Pupil Premium and their non-PP peers.

Our Statement of Intent

All disadvantaged students will receive good quality teaching and education enabling them to make good progress. All DA students will have equality of opportunity and support that will enable them to achieve in line with the attainment and aspirations of their peers.

Pupil premium funding will support good quality teaching and equality of opportunities for all DA students at Grace Academy Solihull.

Strategies will target progress, attendance, behaviour for learning, pastoral support, extra-curricular activities that will ultimately improve progress and build on the cultural capital of our disadvantaged students.

Pupil Premium lead: Andrew Cox  Phone: 0121 329 4600

GAS Pupil Premium Strategy Document 2023 – 2024