Homework at Grace Academy Solihull

Homework at Grace Academy Solihull


At Grace Academy Solihull we know that a student makes the best progress when they continue their learning both in and outside of school, which is why we think homework is a really important part of the work we do. Research by the Education Endowment Fund has found that students completing homework linked to classroom work can add up to five months of extra learning and can boost student grades.

Our homework allows students to…

Revise what they have been taught so that they remember it for the long term, and ensure they make outstanding progress. This is supported by our daily retrieval quizzes and Hegarty maths. Have the opportunity to further research and explore topics related to the curriculum to develop their cultural capital. This is supported by our remote enrichment opportunities, and additional learning detailed below.

What homework does my child need to complete to help them revise?

Daily Retrieval Quizzes: <satchelone.com>

Students are set a retrieval homework every day of the week which will automatically appear on the Satchel One app. These quizzes test important knowledge that students have been taught in the past to help them know and remember more.

The results from this quiz are then reviewed by teachers who can adapt their lessons to address any areas of weakness and also to build on student strengths. Teachers will supplement these daily quizzes with other extended pieces of work which will also appear on the app over the coming half term.

Weekly Hegarty Maths: <hegartymaths.com/login/learner>

Maths teachers also use the Hegarty maths platform which includes adaptive work and explanatory videos to help support students. Maths teachers will explain to students how to access this platform in lessons.

What additional homework could my child complete to help them progress further?

Additional Home Learning: <sites.google.com/graceacademy.org.uk/ga-additional-learning/home)>

One key skill students need to develop is the ability to work independently and to develop study and research skills. To give students a structured way of developing these skills we have developed an additional home learning section on the website which includes websites and projects they could consider to further enrich their understanding.

While there are other websites you may use, these are websites our teachers have used before to provide an enriching experience.

Recorded Lessons <drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pO7vhvugS7XHIZ_VbKTI24FUDaOL4KqT>

As you will know during the pandemic teachers at the academy delivered hundreds of hours of content to all students. All students have access to this full bank of resources and could use this material to identify areas of weakness, or to explore topics they have studied in past years or will study in future years.

You can identify what your child is studying this year at the moment, or in previous years in the Curriculum section of the website. All of these recorded lessons can be found in the link above:

What if they can’t log on, or would like some more support?

If your child experiences any difficulties in logging in then they should discuss it with their computing teacher and tutor or contact our ICT team at [email protected]