Grace Academy Celebrates DofE Bronze Awards

Grace Academy Celebrates DofE Bronze Awards

On Thursday 20 June 2024, we welcomed students, parents and carers to an event celebrating the successes of our young people towards their brilliant achievements as part of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award.

Just over 18 months ago, we introduced the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at the Academy to support, encourage and reward our students on their development of the valuable skills and experience that would help them to succeed in the future. From building confidence and showing commitment to developing resilience and expressing creativity, the Academy has been so impressed by the dedication our students have shown towards this award. For example, last year this group of students collectively spent 416 hours volunteering in communities or here at school. This is a significant contribution and something we are really proud of.

As part of the event, 29 students across Year 10 and 11 received their full Bronze Award certificates and badges, as well as two further students who received certificates of recognition for the completed sections. The event also thanked parents and carers for their support in helping their child to achieve and complete their awards as well as all the staff volunteers involved. Some further highlights of the event include speeches from our student leaders, Ahana Modi and Theo Scott, as well as musical performances from Amber Williams and Aadon O’Mahoney. We would like to say a huge congratulations to this group of young people. They are the first group in the recent history of the academy to complete their Duke of Edinburgh’s award. They worked really hard, put in time, effort and energy to reach this achievement. Well done!