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National Careers Week 2023

National Careers Week 2023

Between March 6 – 10, Grace Academy Solihull celebrated National Careers Week. Over the course of the week each year group was provided with a careers assembly delivered by a range of industry professionals from the RAF to leading payroll organisations. 

Our year 10 students worked with EmployabilityUK in targeted workshops aimed at developing a range of employability skills from teamwork, communication and leadership to confidence, resilience and determination. 

Throughout the week we also challenged our students to find out more about their teachers through our national careers’ week competition. Students were tasked with finding out which careers the academy staff had before teaching and over 100 students stepped up to the plate. A very well done to all of those students that engaged and some fantastic prizes will be heading your way soon!

Our students started each day with a brief look into the world of work through our career of the day starter task. This introduced the academy students to a range of aspirational careers from geophysics to genetic counsellors in the hope of inspiring them to explore a wide range of untravelled career pathways.  

A very well done to all of our students that engaged with National Careers Week 2023. Although the week is over, the search for careers continues, so we encourage all students to keep accessing the National Careers Week website and Amazing Apprenticeships website for more information. 

Some of our students with representatives from IPP Education LTD Payroll who spoke to students about the HR Industry.