Sue Gibson Award Presented to Students

Sue Gibson Award Presented to Students

The Sue Gibson Award is one that is presented to students who demonstrate our Academy values of respect, integrity, excellence, grace and potential in outstanding ways. The award’s namesake, Sue, was a very loved member of staff who was known for going out of her way to help others, without seeking recognition or wanting reward or praise. She was also selfless in her care and support of others. This year two students, Grace Burns and Brandon Guest, have been awarded this honour in recognition of their fundraising efforts to help others.

When Grace Burns, a year 11 student, found out that one of her dad’s friends’ granddaughter, who was only 7 years old, had been diagnosed with cancer, she felt she needed to speak to her and find out if there was something she could do to help, or even do something for her ‘to make her a little bit happier’.  Grace decided to do some fundraising for the girl by selling football cards at her local pub for charity, with prizes for the winner being as large as a one night stay in a hotel. Grace managed to sell two books of raffle tickets and by the end of the planned charity night event, had raised over £1000.  Grace presented the funds raised to the little girl to help pay for a short holiday once her chemotherapy is complete.

Our year 10 student, Brandon Guest, has been fundraising for the last 3 years, in memory of his Grandad who had Myeloma, ‘so that others may one day not have to suffer like he did from this cancer’.  Brandon has been awarded the Sue Gibson award last year as well for the same selfless fundraising, and he continues to demonstrate the qualities that reflect those of Sue Gibson. When asked about receiving the award for a second time, Brandon said ‘I am proud that the academy recognises what I am doing’.

Our Principal added that “we are extremely proud of Brandon and Grace for their selfless fundraising efforts – these students exemplify the qualities that the Sue Gibson Award honours.”