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Strengthening mental health provision

Strengthening mental health provision

In new research, students at Grace Academy said the Academy is good at dealing with mental health issues, but they would like more direct teaching on it so they can recognise the signs and know what to look.

The research, carried out by final year Aston University student Kelly Slack, was designed to assess students’ knowledge and perceptions about mental health issues in line with Grace Academy’s commitment to strengthen their provision in this area.

The research covered areas including what the students know about mental health, how they feel it is treated in society among adults and their peers, and the prevalence of mental health issues – with up to 20% of young people experiencing a mental health problem in any one year.

Students were given the opportunity to suggest how there could be greater awareness of mental health problems, without the stigma, and explore how they should react if someone they know is diagnosed with depression, or a related disorder. The results of the research are expected to help the Academy make students more aware of the issues.

Kelly slack said: “The students were insightful and brilliant in sharing their ideas and I was really impressed.”