Executive Principal’s Welcome
Here at Grace Academy Solihull we offer a stimulating environment that enables every learner to progress and flourish. Our aims are clear: every student should reach and exceed their potential. We offer a clear and explicit support programme for all students and this extends to parents and carers. We are a community academy that embraces its responsibilities to work with the community and places itself as a hub for community events.
As well as delivering year on year outstanding academic achievements, which places the academy as one of the most improved and highest performing in the region, students at the academy develop personal and social skills throughout their time with us that prepares them for the challenges ahead in a global environment. To support this we have our Academy Charter that gives clear guidelines of what is acceptable behaviour at the academy and how you as parents and we at the Academy can work together to ensure that your child’s time with us is a rewarding and positive experience.
Our distinctive ethos ensures that our students appreciate the excitement of learning, the rewards of personal challenge and the importance of responsibility to others. As a result they become true citizens of the world. Please feel free to browse the site and if you have any questions or would like to visit, do not hesitate to contact us.
In addition to academic studies, we offer an exciting range of extracurricular activities. We offer family events and a variety of clubs linked to personal development. Both Sport and The Arts feature heavily in our extensive programme of activities. The performances that are staged at the school receive consistently outstanding praise.
The academy has an excellent sporting reputation both locally and regionally, offering a wide and diverse range of sporting opportunities using the latest sporting facilities including a state-of-the-art FIFA approved astro turf and access to a brand new multi gym. The Academy is an industry standard learning space where students have the opportunities to work with business people to develop their ‘real world’ learning and utilise the latest technology. Each year the students experience and are involved with enterprise and business activities that help to widen their understanding of the opportunities available to them.
Darren Gelder
Executive Principal