Latest News

Speaker’s Trust Workshop

On Tuesday 5th of March, Grace Academy Solihull once again played host to the Speaker’s Trust workshop. This was a fantastic opportunity for thirty of our year 10 students to develop their public speaking skills. We are so proud of all those who participated, pushing themselves out of their comfort zones to get involved.   …
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UK Intermediate Maths Challenge

We would like to acknowledge our year 9 and 10 students who participated in this year’s UK Intermediate Maths Challenge. This annual competition is one which asks students to tackle interesting questions and develop their problem solving skills, while competing against students across the UK. This year, we have had some fantastic results, with 11…
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SoLO Charity

Our students in the ARC have been continuing their work with the local charity, SoLO. During last term, students worked very hard in creating decorations and items to sell at our Christmas fair, and all proceeds were donated to SoLO. Our students were able to raise an amazing £125.60 which will go towards supporting vulnerable…
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Young Carers in Schools Award

We are incredibly excited and proud as Grace Academy Solihull has been given a Bronze Award for their work in making sure students don’t miss out on an education because they are young carers.  The Young Carers in Schools programme helps primary and secondary schools improve outcomes for young carers and celebrates good practice through…
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Jelly Brains

As part of their A-level psychology course Y12 students have been studying the topic of Biopsychology. As a way of embedding localisation and lateralisation of function they made jelly brains.    Students gave up their own lunchtime to make the jelly and put this into the brain moulds. To develop their knowledge they created labels…
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Year 7 Residential Trip – Boreatton Park, Shropshire.

On the first weekend of this year’s October half term break, our year 7 students ventured off on their first action packed residential trip to the PGL site in Boreatton Park, Shropshire. This trip’s aim is to support Y7 students in their transition into secondary school through building positive friendships, getting to know key staff…
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Careers Fair 2023

In a week’s time, on Thursday 19 October all students in years 9-13 will be taking part in the Academy’s annual Careers Fair. Throughout the day students will have the opportunity to meet and chat with over 30 different industry and educational professionals. Our aim is to offer Grace Academy Solihull students the opportunity to…
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Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Expedition

On the last weekend of September, 32 students from the Academy embarked on a two-day expedition as part of their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s (DofE) Award. For many this would be a significant challenge with over three hours of walking each day carrying heavy backpacks. Not only would there be a physical challenge, there would…
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Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Students Prepare For Their Expedition

Over the last few weeks, 33 of our Year 10 and Year 11 students have been attending training at the Academy on a range of skills to prepare them for their upcoming expedition for their Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Bronze Award. They have been practicing their tenting skills as well as learning about camping stove…
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