Latest News

Primary School Netball League

Over the past few weeks we have been hosting the Primary school netball league here at Grace Academy on a Tuesday afternoon.  It has been brilliant to invite students from Bishop Wilson, Marston Green, St Anne’s and St Anthony’s Primary School’s to showcase their netball skills. Well done to all students who participated in the…
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Aston Villa Visit Grace

On Friday 27th May we welcomed Aston Villa WSL footballer Nat Haigh to the Academy to run a technical session to our Year 7 and 8 Girls Football team. The girls focussed on various skills on and off the ball, and defending within conditioned games. The girls also heard from Nat about her playing career…
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Year 9 Students Speak Out On Knife Crime

A huge congratulations to our terrific year 9 pupils!   On March 29th, the James Brindley Foundation, which strive to educate and support young people into a knife free life, visited the entire year 9 cohort to provide first person accounts of knife crime. All pupils were thoroughly engaged in conversation with Ezekiel, James and…
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Maths Challenge

The maths department would like to celebrate the success of our year 9 and 10 students who took part in the UK Intermediate Maths Challenge this year. This Maths challenge includes some very challenging maths problems, with our students in a competition against some of the best from across the whole country. Our students did…
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Easter Activities

We had a fantastic time during the Easter break with our family enrichment programme. Our families participated in a family Easter cooking and movie day as well as a trip to Coombe Abbey. These activities took place over 2 days and were free to join. Some of the things that our families said about the…
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Post 16 University Visit

On 30th April the Year 12 Sport class went to Birmingham City University to take part in an Explore Sport day. They participated in 3 different workshops as well as a presentation on the different courses available in Sport and career progressions. Students experienced some of the practical facilities as well as lecture rooms. The…
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Year 11 Mock Interviews

On Friday 25th March we welcomed 7 employers from a range of companies into Grace Academy to be part of our Year 11 mock interview day. All students took part in workshops delivered by Wilmott Dixon Construction before the interview day, this involved showing students an insight into the world of work, how to conduct…
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Twisted Tales Writing Competition

This term as part of World Book Day celebrations students in Year 7-9 have participated in the Young Writer’s Twisted Tales Creative Writing competition. As part of this competition students had to create their own retelling of a well-known fairy tale from the perspective of the villain in under 100 words. Over 150 students entered…
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Dr Bike

The Sustainable Travel Team at Solihull MBC, are currently running ‘Dr Bike’ projects around the school’s in the borough to help young people keep their bikes safe and roadworthy. They visited Grace Academy last week and MOT’d 26 of our students’ bikes making their journey to and from school safer. Some of the works carried…
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World Book Day

World Book Day is a huge charity event which is celebrated across the world especially in schools and community groups. This year was the 25th Anniversary of Word Book Day and like always Grace Academy Solihull students and staff celebrated this special occasion. Each year we mark World Book Day at the academy with the…
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