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PAID INTERNSHIP Do you know someone studying a STEM related degree at university and interested in a career in teaching? The Grand Union Training Partnership is offering a four week paid internship this summer starting 22nd June 2020 and finishing Friday 17th July 2020.                                                                                                                              We are looking for undergraduates studying a STEM related degree…
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Cultural Capital Day

Students enjoyed a “Day of Cultural Capital” on 23rd January Y7 enjoyed a modern Shakespeare designing sets, drama and music. Y8 enjoyed a problem solving team building workshop and Y9 studied Sherlock Holmes

Christmas Songs With The Elderly

We went to local care homes and sung Christmas songs with the elderly. Students thoroughly enjoyed the experience and said without this opportunity they would never have thought to do something like this. Students was interacting with the elderly and talking about their favourite Christmas memories. The Care Homes have given Grace an open invitation…
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The Possibilities are endless at our KS4 and KS5 Careers Fayre…

Year 10-13 students had the chance to discover a range of Universities and Apprenticeship Schemes during our KS4 & KS5 Careers Fayre before half term. As well as exploring options for further study, students had the opportunity to meet representatives from a range of sectors including Engineering, Beauty, Public Services, Construction, the British Army and…
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World Poetry Day takes Grace Academy by Storm!

From poetry and pie in the Learn Centre, to poems every hour on the hour – as well as a poetry hunt, tutor time activities and the chance for students to enter a national poetry competition – it’s safe to say that students celebrated World Poetry Day in style…           

Literacy support success for 5th year running

Due to its 100% success rate, our literacy mentoring programme is now in its fifth year of running! The purpose of the programme is to develop younger students’ confidence and fluency in reading aloud while also increasing vocabulary and comprehension skills. Students in year 7 and 8 selected to take part are assigned a literacy…
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Post-16s prepare to face “real world” Assessment Centres

With an engaging, hands-on workshop from local business partners, students put their skills to the test in a variety of tasks and challenges designed to replicate assessments that employers may carry out as a part of their recruitment process; one task involved creating a new board game or app before presenting it to an audience.…
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Year 11s gain top-tips for employability

Year 11s had their first glimpse into the world of job-hunting and recruitment recently with an informative workshop from our local business partners followed by mock interviews. Throughout the workshop they explored what skills and qualities employers look for in employees, CV-writing, as well as how to make a good impression at interview. Students were…
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Pupils prepare for world’s largest youth drama festival

Rehearsals are underway and we are very excited to be taking part in the Shakespeare Schools Foundation Festival in November 2019, performing The Merry Wives of Windsor. The World’s largest youth drama festival sees nearly 30,000 young people taking to professional stages across the country to showcase some of Shakespeare’s most iconic tales. Our students will…
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Raising a mug to Macmillan for World’s Biggest Coffee Morning

  We joined in the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning recently with lots of delicious cakes on sale at break and lunchtime. We are proud to support the work of Macmillan Cancer that has impacted many lives – including members of our own Grace Academy community – for the better. Thanks to all our staff and students who contributed…
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