Category: Uncategorized

Literacy support success for 5th year running

Due to its 100% success rate, our literacy mentoring programme is now in its fifth year of running! The purpose of the programme is to develop younger students’ confidence and fluency in reading aloud while also increasing vocabulary and comprehension skills. Students in year 7 and 8 selected to take part are assigned a literacy…
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Post-16s prepare to face “real world” Assessment Centres

With an engaging, hands-on workshop from local business partners, students put their skills to the test in a variety of tasks and challenges designed to replicate assessments that employers may carry out as a part of their recruitment process; one task involved creating a new board game or app before presenting it to an audience.…
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Year 11s gain top-tips for employability

Year 11s had their first glimpse into the world of job-hunting and recruitment recently with an informative workshop from our local business partners followed by mock interviews. Throughout the workshop they explored what skills and qualities employers look for in employees, CV-writing, as well as how to make a good impression at interview. Students were…
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Pupils prepare for world’s largest youth drama festival

Rehearsals are underway and we are very excited to be taking part in the Shakespeare Schools Foundation Festival in November 2019, performing The Merry Wives of Windsor. The World’s largest youth drama festival sees nearly 30,000 young people taking to professional stages across the country to showcase some of Shakespeare’s most iconic tales. Our students will…
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Raising a mug to Macmillan for World’s Biggest Coffee Morning

  We joined in the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning recently with lots of delicious cakes on sale at break and lunchtime. We are proud to support the work of Macmillan Cancer that has impacted many lives – including members of our own Grace Academy community – for the better. Thanks to all our staff and students who contributed…
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Year 8 boys enjoy PE with Wasps

Year 8 boys have been enjoying PE lessons this term with a special visit from Wasps Rugby!

Grace Academy Solihull Recognised in the 2019 Parliamentary Review

Due to the ongoing success at Grace Academy, we have been requested to appear in this year’s parliamentary review. This is the first time in Grace Academy’s history that we have appeared in such a prestigious publication and is testament to the hard work put in by students, staff and parents over the last few…
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Grace Academy Solihull continues to perform with outstanding GCSE results

Students at Grace Academy Solihull are celebrating another year of outstanding GCSE results with the Academy continuing to excel, as it has over the last four academic years. Student performance in Maths and English continues to be strong with 69% of students achieving Grades 4 to 9 in both subjects which is significantly above the…
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Grace really HAS got talent!

There was an exceptional display of creativity at our Grace’s Got Talent grand final recently as we invited staff, students and parents to join us in celebrating the hidden talents of our Grace Academy students!   The talent competition took place over a number of weeks, beginning with lunchtime auditions in front of a panel…
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Students arrive in style to prom 2019

Our Year 11 Prom saw many arriving in style to celebrate the end of a long exam season!   We’d like to congratulate all of our students on the successful completion of their exams and 5 years with us at Grace Academy. We wish you all the very best for the future.