Category: News

Mock Interviews

At the end of last half term all of our Y11 and Y12 students took part in our annual mock interviews, where all students were given the chance to be interviewed by an industry professional and receive feedback on what went well and what they could improve. The aim of these mock interviews is to…
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Y7 Football Success!

A massive well done to our Year 7 Football team that won 4-2 against Langley School. The boys went 2-0 up in the first 15 minutes of the game with Logan Jackson scoring the goals, including a penalty. Langley responded with two goals towards the end of the first half which took us into halftime…
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National Apprenticeship Week 10th – 14th February 2025

It’s National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) when, top employers and organisations come together to showcase their opportunities to thousands of attendees, who are actively seeking an apprenticeship. Grace Academy Solihull will be celebrating and therefore taking part in, this week, which has the theme this year of ‘Skills for Life’, by providing students with access to…
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NHS Day in the Life of a Midwife

A select group of  year 10 students were invited to Birmingham’s Heartlands Hospital to experience ‘A Day In The Life of a Midwife’. Students took part in group activities and moved around different workshops, where they were able to experience procedures for caesarean sections, water births, breastfeeding care, neonatal care and as well as getting…
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YR12 Career Ready Regional Launch Visit

Some of our yr12 students, who are involved in the Career Ready programme, were invited to the ‘Career Ready Regional Launch Event‘ at Arcadis in Birmingham City Centre. During our visit students completed a master class on ‘Communication and Networking’, icebreaker activities and had the opportunity to meet with their mentors 1:1, when they were able…
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Cardboard and glue makes for a good machine!

Putting the ‘Engineering’ back in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths), Year 9 students took part in interactive workshops to learn more about the world of engineering. In small teams, each student was trained in a variety of engineering roles, from ‘Mechanical Engineer’ to ‘Electrical Engineer’. Tasked with designing either their own mechanical hand with…
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Willmott Dixon – Circuit Boards STEM Workshop

Over the past two weeks year 10 students were invited to participate in exciting workshops, the first of three, delivered by Willmott Dixon, one of the UK’s leading construction companies. Whilst at the academy a Willmott Dixon representative educated students on the Importance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) in the world of construction.…
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Academy Choir Christmas Performances

The academy choir have had a busy few weeks performing at various locations including Heartlands Hospital, the IM Group, St Giles Care Home and Aran Court Care Home. The students excelled in every performance and demonstrated excellent behaviour and attitudes at all times. The students also received lots of positive feedback on their singing voices!…
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Year 13 – Career Ready Celebration

Grace Academy Solihull’s Post 16 Team work closely with Career Ready, a UK-wide social mobility charity. They provide selected Sixth Form students a chance to be a part of their programme with workplace opportunities and 1:1 support. Their strong business links offer young people help with developing their skills and attitude, which is much needed…
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Christmas Community Meal

We had our annual Christmas Community Meal on Thursday 5th December, where we invited guests from local care homes, as well as family and friends of the academy, to join us for a festive evening. The evening included a two course Christmas meal including all the trimmings, and a generous Christmas pudding with custard to…
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