Year 10 GCSE Food students visit Southfields Farm

Year 10 GCSE Food students visit Southfields Farm

Our year 10 Food Technology students recently got the opportunity to visit Southfields Farm as part of a Field to Fork experience. This trip was made possible because Grace Academy Solihull was chosen as a semi finalist in the LEAF (Linking Environment And Farming) National competition which is the leading organisation delivering more sustainable food and farming. The National Competition, started in 2018, aims to engage and inspire future generations about food production, the natural environment and highlight the many career opportunities available in the land-based sector.

Students started the day by identifying seeds and grains, this allowed them to have a deeper understanding of the products made from primary ingredients. This workshop also discussed alternatives cereals for different dietary requirements such as those relating to allergies and intolerances, which led to students to investigate soil, focusing on how many living creatures live in the soil, the composition of soil and how we can naturally increase the nutrients found in soil. Students also studied the different types of worms that help keep the soil in good condition.
On our tractor ride tour of the farm, students were able to ask questions of the farmer about how the farm operates and how the uses for traditional products from farms have changed. One example we were given was the use of sheep wool being used for insulation of houses rather than just for clothes. Students learnt about the Stewardship council which promotes responsible forest management; at this particular farm each field has a ‘wildlife margin’ that encourages wildlife such as birds and insects.

A main focus of the day was soil fertility, as most foods we consume originate from the soil. Students also witnessed the effects of the extreme weather from this winter on the crops. Some students had a go at milling the grains to make flour and oil.

At the end of the day Students had some time to understand how to care for different farm animals, focusing on animal welfare and respect towards animals. This trip has allowed students to think about how the food we eat is produced and the effects our food choices have on the environment.

Students are now tasked with creating a video entry demonstrating their understanding of the given competition brief which they will submit as an entry for the finals of this year’s competition. If students are successful in winning the overall competition, 3 of our Year 10 students will be invited to a weekend residential trip in October, all expenses paid for. We wish them the best of luck with their entry.