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Jelly Brains

Jelly Brains

As part of their A-level psychology course Y12 students have been studying the topic of Biopsychology. As a way of embedding localisation and lateralisation of function they made jelly brains.
Students gave up their own lunchtime to make the jelly and put this into the brain moulds. To develop their knowledge they created labels which included the name of the area of the brain, a description of the function it is responsible for and a picture to demonstrate this. Due to a few unmoulding issues, a few brains got slightly damaged. However, this was a fantastic opportunity for students to practice their application skills, as students were then able to explain how the damage to these areas would have affected the unlucky individuals.  One unlucky brain was suffering from Broca’s Aphasia, another had a full frontal lobe removal! Students said they enjoyed the task, as it was a practical and interactive way to practise their learning so far on a topic that would then have to answer questions on in upcoming exams.