Climate Conference

Climate Conference

On Thursday 17 November, 5 students went to the Solihull Schools Climate Conference which was held at the Council Chambers in the Solihull Civic Suite. This event was structured in a similar format to that of COP26, the international climate conference that recently happened in Egypt at the same time, which included representation from World Leaders.

Our students represented the European Union at our Solihull version of the event and alongside several other schools they debated key strategies which could help meet ambitious targets to help tackle climate change. The students also debated about possible financial offers and technological support that could be offered to more developing countries. Additionally there was also part of the day dedicated to a more local focus as schools showcased their own climate actions and this was followed by a live Q&A session with a Councillor from Solihull Council.

The students were a credit to the Academy – they spoke eloquently and clearly, and made ambitious, yet realistic decisions which highlighted their knowledge around the importance and very real impact of climate change.