Welcome To Year 7 Students

Welcome To Year 7 Students

Last week welcomed our new Cohort of Year 7s into our Grace Academy family.

We understand just how daunting the transition into secondary school can be, and even more so this year after the pandemic, so we are so proud of how well they have settled in to life here at Grace. From their onsite covid tests, to finding their feet in their new classes and building new friendships, they have all done so well!!

We’ve had some lovely comments from the students:

“I am really enjoying the lessons at secondary school. I prefer it to primary school – I feel as though I am being treated as an adult.”

“As soon as I walked through the gate at Grace, I knew I belonged.”

“When I first walked into secondary school I thought it would be hard to adjust but it was really easy to settle in. We were given a tour of the school and the teachers were really nice. After my first day I was really excited to come back again – which I’ve never really felt about school before!”

Well done Yr7!!