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Literacy support success for 5th year running

Literacy support success for 5th year running

Due to its 100% success rate, our literacy mentoring programme is now in its fifth year of running!

The purpose of the programme is to develop younger students’ confidence and fluency in reading aloud while also increasing vocabulary and comprehension skills. Students in year 7 and 8 selected to take part are assigned a literacy mentor – one of our Sixth Form students – who they meet on a weekly basis during tutor time for one-to-one intervention.


Both sixth form mentors and KS3 mentees comment on the extremely positive influence that the programme has on their experience here at Grace. For sixth form mentors, it allows them the opportunity to give something back to the academy, provides them with a greater sense of responsibility, and gives them vital skills to showcase in an employment or university application. For KS3 mentees, we see year on year how one-to-one support from an older student encourages higher levels of enjoyment in reading and, more importantly,  helps develop their overall independence in reading.

It is wonderful to see our older and younger students working together to help each other develop into more confident learners.