Creative Media

Creative Media

Departmental Intent

The Media curriculum will develop the use of practical processes, skills and techniques in a world of digital technology that continues to grow.

The curriculum will equip students with the skills to investigate different media products such as audio/moving image, publishing and interactive design.

Explore creative media production processes and practices by generating ideas and planning post production ad production processes. Develop digital media production skills and techniques.



Unit 1 Introductions to Creative Media Production:

Media theories and language – Build vocabulary needed to achieve GCSE

Topics Include:

Student Skills of retrieval inference, analysis, evaluation and comparison using Media language such as:


  • Cinematography
  • lighting
  • Mise-en-scene
  • Editing, sound (to build skills in analysis of texts)
Theories such as:
  • Propps
  • Todorov
  • Levi Strauss
  • Barthes


Unit 1A Title: Exploring Media Products:

Independent work either blog, presentation or written document on

Topics Include:
  • Audio/moving image either TV programmes, films, music videos, animations, TV. (Links to KS3 English)
  • Publication Media – newspapers, comics, advertisements. (Links to KS3 English)
  • Interactive Media – computer gaming, interactive advertisements, social media websites. (Links to KS3 English)


Unit 1B Title: – Exploring Media Products:

Students select which avenue is their greatest contextual knowledge background for a deeper analysis.

Topics Include:
  • Independent work either blog, presentation or written document on either:
  • Audio/moving image either TV programmes, films, music videos, animations, TV. (Links to KS3 English)
  • Publication Media – newspapers, comics, advertisements. (Links to KS3 English)
  • Interactive Media – computer gaming, interactive advertisements, social media websites. (Links to KS3 English)


Unit 2 Title: Planning of Developing Digital Media Production:

Teaching of basic technology (Premier Pro, Audacity) scaffolding independent planning

Topics Include:
  • Planning skills (Research) relevant to the media sector of their choice.
  • Audio/moving image either TV programmes, films, music videos, animations, TV and radio advertisements, radio broadcasts, podcasts, magazine
Ideas such as:
  • Mind Maps
  • Scripts
  • Storyboards
  • You Tube lessons on Premier Pro
  • You Tube lessons on radio synergy/audacity
  • Music downloads
  • Print screens


Unit 2A Title:  The Production/Developing Digital Media Production
Either blog, presentation or written document on either:
  • newspaper
  • magazines
  • comics
  • brochures
  • advertisements etc
  • Filming
  • Recording
  • Photography
  • Designing
  • Editing


Unit 2B Title: Evaluation of Production:
Either blog, presentation or written document on either:

Skills and techniques used for combining, shaping and refining content relevant to the media sector of Interactive media products.


  • websites
  • mobile apps
  • e-magazines
  • mobile games
  • video games
  • online games
  • Roles For/Against/Issues relevant to production

KS4 Qualification Information

Course Title: Tech Award in Creative Media Production

Exam Board:  Pearson’s

Examination Description: Creating a Media Product in response to a brief from the exam board

For more information please contact the head of department: David Smeaton

Email: [email protected]