Attendance and Absence

Attendance and Absence

Grace Academy Solihull places high priority on good attendance and punctuality

Grace Academy Solihull’s attendance target for each student is at least 95% as we believe that this promotes effective learning and has a significant impact on personal development, progress and attainment. Regular attendance, and arriving at the academy on time, prepares students for a successful working life beyond school. Regular attendance is also crucial if students are to reach their full potential.

Grace Academy Solihull will strive to provide a welcoming environment for all students, and staff will work with students and their families to ensure each student attends regularly and is punctual to both school and lessons.

Parents/Carers are legally responsible in ensuring their child attends the academy regularly, therefore we expect full support from parents/carers with this.

Expected Attendance



  • 0-6 DAYS OFF
  • Students to receive rewards.
  • Praise letters home to parents.
  • Recognised at awards evening.
  • 100% attendance badges.
  • Entered in for prize draws.



  • 7.5 – 9.5 DAYS OFF
  • 37.5 – 47.5 HOURS OF LEARNING LOST
  • Students to receive rewards.
  • Entered in for prize draws.
  • Improved attendance awards.


  • 11 – 14 DAYS OFF
  • Students and parents will be encouraged to improve attendance.
  • Request for medical evidence could be asked for.
  • 10 sessions of unauthorised absence may trigger legal action.
  • Attendance meetings may be arranged.
  • Attendance monitoring and intervention.
  • Home Visits will be completed.
  • Referred for Attendance Mentoring
Attendance rewards

Certificates are sent home for improvements in Attendance



  • 27+ DAYS OFF
  • Request of medical evidence on any further days of absence. If medical evidence is not provided, absence will be recorded as unauthorised.
  • Attendance panel meeting arranged.
  • Spot check home visits.
  • Legal action. Including fixed penalty notices.
  • Referred for continued attendance mentoring.
  • Possible referrals to external agencies.
Attendance rewards

Incentives to achieve 100% attendance

Student Absence Request Form

To request a leave of absence for your child/children during term time, please complete the form below and email this to the school attendance officer via [email protected], including any supporting evidence.

Alternatively, the form can be collected from the school office or from your child’s Assistant Head of Year and then returned to the school office, along with any relevant evidence. Please ensure a separate form is used for each absence that you are requesting for each child. Forms are to be submitted a minimum of two weeks prior to the absence request, and please note that there is no automatic right for students to be granted authorised leave of absence and requests will only be considered where there are exceptional circumstances, in line with guidance from Solihull MBC and the Government. This Student Absence Request Form is to be used to request all types of leave for students.

Attendance FAQ

When does my child need to be in school? Students are expected to be in school by 8.20 am.
What happens if my child is late?
  • If your child arrives after 8.20 they are recorded as late and they will receive a 15 minute detention.
  • If they arrive after 8.50 they should sign in at Reception.
  • If they are late twice in one week, they will be expected to complete a one half hour detention.
  • Should the problem continue, you will be asked to attend a meeting at school.
What are the procedures for absence?

If your child is absent you must:
  • Contact the school as soon as possible on the first day of absence.
  • Contact the school each day the child is absent.
  • If your child’s absence exceeds 3 days you must provide medical evidence.
If your child is absent we will:
  • Telephone you on the first day of absence if we have not had contact from you.
  • Contact you if absences persist.
  • Include your child on the Attendance Monitoring Programme if attendance is causing concern
  • Undertake home visits
  • Invite you to discuss the situation with our Attendance Officer, Head of Year & Assistant Head of Year
Does the school need letters explaining my child’s absence or will a phone call do?
We would expect a parent/ carer to telephone the school as early as possible on the first day of absence. Absence Line (0121 329 4600).
What can I do to help my child achieve good attendance?
Talk to your child about:
  • Their attendance – ask them what it is.
  • School and how they feel about it. They are more likely to attend if they feel they are supported and listened to. Report any concerns, so that we can challenge them and support your child; please do this rather than keeping your child off school.
  • Only grant days at home for serious illness.
  • Do not book holidays in term time; changes in legislation mean that schools can no longer grant permission for holidays taken during term time therefore they will count as unauthorised absences which could lead to prosecution.
  • Know routines of the school day in order to avoid issues, i.e., make sure your child has their PE kit or has completed their homework.
  • Praise and reward good attendance and punctuality.
  • If you or your child have any concerns, speak to their tutor.
Why is it important to have up to date phone numbers?
There are times when we have to contact parents/ carers about things, including absence, so it is very important that we have your contact number at all times
My child is avoiding coming to school. What should I do?
There are occasions when children choose to avoid school. Reasons such as difficulties with school work, bullying, friendship problems or family difficulties can cause young people to worry and they may think that not attending school will solve the problem. All of the staff at Grace Academy pride themselves on being able to build positive relationships with students and parents/ carers. We want your child to have the best possible experience here so that they can reach their full potential. It is important that we identify the reason for their reluctance to attend school and work together to solve the problem. To resolve any issues by contacting Assistant Heads of Year, Tutors and/or Attendance Officer.
Contact us

Get in touch


Grace Academy Solihull,

Chapelhouse Road Birmingham B37 5JS
Assistant Principal Attendance

Mrs Humphries

Attendance Officer

Miss Pickard

Absence Line